Unlocking Purpose
Time. We fill it up with busyness. We try to find it. Look for more. Refer to it as lost. Use it to quantify our span of life. Our attempts to capture and pause the infinite.
Time. We fight over it between ourselves, with our own self, amongst ourselves over things that do not matter. How old is the earth? Older than any of us and will remain so - what more matters? Whether we came from a God or Evolution, or the time on this planet and with one another. Our cycles of day/night is all we will ever consciously know, so why do we fight over something that at any moment can be gone from us? The planet will always put herself first and take care of herself and even she knows she has a span, as all planets do.
We are not planets created to live through Ages. Rather, we exist as a flicker on a planet in an infinite universe and we tout arrogance as though we can conquer it or protect it.
We spend and waste our resources fighting for power to rule. We spend and waste our spans in repeating cycles which on the overall are meaningless and futile.
I've said it many times over during my own span, I am from a different "time" or certainly of a different mind. Fame, riches, and glory are illusions. Wanting to contribute something of value for future generations requires none of those illusions.
What is not an illusion? The human quest for connection. It is connections that bring us meaning. There are a few absolutes in this world: H20 can is found all three states (solid, liquid and gas), carbon dioxide and oxygen are natures yin and yang, gravity holds us to the surface of the planet, and love gives you wings. Okay, that last one is just my sass sneaking out. Therefore, out of love's wings and back to human history. The final absolute for our purposes today is that all humans and animals operate on connections that become their community. Is it possible we have missed life’s meaning because it’s so simple? Connection.
Connection is humans connecting with one another in order to see our misalignments and to support, encourage and help each other along the way thus bringing us into oneness with ourselves and thus creating and building communities that flourish in unity. This requires love in all its forms. It is love that equips us with the tools to obtain self-unity and thus unity with this planet we have been gifted to explore ourselves on. This planet which is somehow precisely equipped with the exact elements we need to thrive and to reflect back at us this purpose of unity through the connection of love.
Love is not bound by time; love is infinite and timeless. It is our connections of love that keep our flicker alive, endlessly.