Undiscovered Masterpiece
Looking at you, I saw someone very
different from me in your outermost layer.
The hEARt sees through vibrations
those things eyes cannot see.
The soul knows what seems unknowable,
senses awaken to the reflection in the mirror.
It's you; no, it's me.
No, wait, it's me in you.
Love is timeless and endless to heart and soul,
but it requires the courage and tenacity of
a warrior.
The steadfastness of a humble servant
is no less required.
Duality is in all things and essential for balance.
Enduring love is no different a process.
The layers in me accept the layers in you.
Being one another's reflection,
I'll uncover you: You uncover me.
Life lessons, lessons of heart and soul, these require a soldier. Feeling a bug up my butt for a quest toward answers, I became a soldier of love. With a vow to remove the calluses built up on my heart, I began a journey to find the deepest layers within myself that were still soft and pliable and learn what the ingredients truly are in this one basterdized word we use - love. But, to get here required I go to battle with my own demons (by the way, that's how I became the Queen of Hell, well, my personal hell anyway <wink>).
The heart and soul hear, see, and know deeper layers than the surface. I have often thought about wedding vows as they have been standardized for decades. These vows seem to have lost their gravitas, much like the word love. The word and idea of love have become polluted. I need no further proof than the rate of divorce, social media and fairy tales setting up these ideals our societies subscribe to as the tenets of love, marriage, and relationships.
The outer layer = the part you attribute to forming your opinion, likes, dislikes, of another person, place or thing upon initial interactions. Then, the more you know someone the more they either annoy you, you want distance, or you enjoy knowing them more. Over time, we see love grow by how we find more or different pieces of them to love, not less. For example, a Matryoshka Doll (Russian nesting dolls) are the perfect example of what it means to self-love and love one another - uncovering the layers until you get to the core.
Love is more than words; it is more than a feeling. Love is an agreement to uncover one another, layer by layer, day by day, month by month, year by year. It means we listen with our heart, feel with our soul, and thus actions follow through the mind. Love is also essence, the frequency of your being. When you become love as essence, you are not loving another person out of lack, fear, or to feel complete. Secure love is loving out of your excess and is the guts of unconditional love that grows as two people remain both teacher and student together, both humble servant and soldier.
Relationships : Love - What is their purpose?
Relationships happen every day. We have co-workers, friends, soul bonds, significant others, family, pets.
Love happens and is all around us every day. We simply have drunk too much poison mislabeled as love, and we think that love requires commitment and attachment. We think that love is "being in love". And this is how we have stifled out the energy and light of love, thus we miss out on the reality of love because we are trying to put something of endless possibilities into a box that fits our labels of "romanticism". The result is us missing the purpose of relationships all together. What is their purpose?
The universe, spirit, god (whatever you believe), natural selection, soul contracts, red thread...
Individuals will be brought across your path who are meant to teach you about yourself, to reflect your strengths and weaknesses, where you need to grow, adapt, change in order to reach your highest potential during this lifetime.
The lessons that stick happen when you recognize the reflection of yourself in another.
When we notice ourselves getting angry, hateful, blaming, getting annoyed by things in another person, or even the patterns of behaviors that are in common in the people we choose as partners and friends;
furthermore, the areas that we don't want to face, the ones people keep pointing out or complaining about regarding our behaviors, these are the deepest wounds we are refusing to look at and thus heal.
Relationships are spirits way of putting opportunities along our path to help us grow.
We grow by recognizing that another is reflecting back at us our insecurities, fears, weaknesses,
area's we perceive lack, and/or where we have unresolved wounds (trauma's) stored in our unconscious mind.
When you begin to look inward about the WHY you feel these things instead of pointing a finger:
you find the source, the root and are then able to heal it, thus you break cycles, grow and change your mindset.
Unconditional love begins to cultivate because we are not looking from a victim mindset of "this was done to me".
We are no longer giving our power away by allowing another person's behaviors or words or our circumstances to be at Cause; rather, we are taking personal responsibility by cultivating our ability to respond rather than react.
As we begin to respond toward others as, "What can I learn from you about myself, unconditional love grows as you grow. This is self-love, having compassion and mercy towards yourself for the past and present as you identify where you need to heal, grow, and develop a new perspective, new perception, and through these mindset changes your behaviors, thoughts, and thus your entire life can change, and you create the life you desire.
The evidence of our self-awareness is directly reflected through how we perceive and respond to others.
We will never get it right all the time, but that is what unconditional love truly is:
I uncover you; you uncover me. At the end of the day, we all have undiscovered pieces.
This is what the purpose of relationship is:
I uncover you: you uncover me. Self-discovery happens when we see that I reflect you and you reflect me.
We aren't so different after all when we look at what lies beneath.
There is always enough time. Even more so, none of us are ever lost. Love, when it's of heart and soul, it has no choice but to grow. Perhaps, it is time for new perspectives on relationships and even vows. If you want to get married, do so in order to date for the rest of your lives together. Grow old together by years and wisdom but stay young at heart.
In any event, remind me to find me and I'll remind you to find you. I accept the undiscovered parts of you, and I will help you uncover them. I'll kindly ask you to accept the undiscovered parts of me and help me uncover them. I choose myself every day and I'm the best me with you; therefore, I choose you. I can't promise to like you every day because well, I'm human, but even when I don't like you; I will love you until I like you again. One more day is what I ask to appreciate you, and tomorrow I will ask for another day. It seems to me that this reality of love has the ingredients for some freaky fantasy too. <excited face>