Vulture Spirit Animal Teaches Us How to Develop Self-Awareness: Nothing is Wasted

New Beginnings happen everyday, for every day offers a cycle of death and rebirth. Vulture as a spirit animal teaches us about death/rebirth and how nothing is ever wasted when we choose a growth mindset and how to develop self-awareness. How can the vulture teach us to embrace our personal power?
We all face thoughts of If Only or feeling like we made a poor, wrong choice; we face fears, doubts, and worries. But, what if I told you that none of these experiences, situations, thoughts, or circumstances, time or energy spent are wasted? There is beauty and hope to found in every one of these; however, it does require us to take on a Vulture mindset.
Vulture, when he comes into our lives as a spirit animal teaches us how to develop self-awareness by reminding us that death is required for life and the circle of life is a continual process of death and rebirth. The vulture feeds on what is dead; likewise, any carnivore feeds on what must die. Just as we consume sustenance from the death of plants and animals, so too the vulture.
I feel like vultures are often viewed as grotesque, yet they are gatekeepers of life and death, a reminder of that bridge between two worlds. Feasting upon raw death, picking away at flesh until bones are clean. How beautiful it is when we take on the Vulture Spirit Mindset. We open up to the picking away at the raw hurts, fears, worries, doubts, and all those “if only, Should-a, Could-a, Would-a’s” and questions that plague our mind. We will find that nothing is wasted as we reflect, re-evaluate, reframe, and thus rebirth and begin to rebuild, turning pain or negative experiences into powerful purpose that allow us to move forward.
Death of old thoughts, behaviors and the frame of mind we once held around something becomes our sustenance, our fuel just as the carcass became sustenance to fuel the vulture. Likewise, the vulture leaves behind the bones. We must leave the skeletons behind and not leave them hidden in the closet of our mind, body and soul.
Every thing begins with the self. We have a choice to either face the carcass, addressing our hurts/trauma/wounds, or we leave them unaddressed through denial, repression, acting as a victim, escapism through substances, people, places, or other addictions. Unaddressed, they become a carcass left to rot and stink up our mind, heart, body and soul.
The vulture as a spirit animal asks you:
What areas of your life are you holding onto repeating patterns, thoughts and behaviors that need to be looked at through introspection?
The vulture does not point blame, but he retrieves the carcass taking ownership of it. So too, we must take ownership and not point the finger or entertain being a victim. Rather, when we choose a growth mindset and develop self-awareness, we embrace our personal power. It is here that we stop hurts from spreading, for just as a carcass can contain bacteria that causes sickness, so too when we bring other people into hash, rehash on our hurts, fears, pains, worries, doubts etc, we spread the bacteria of gossip. Gossip is a form of looking for outside validation and confirmation bias that we hold a right to feel bad, feel valid in pointing a finger, placing blame.
I’m curious, when you speak about hurt or negativity to someone, does it breed more complaining and fuel your reasoning and justification?
Does that validation help you forgive and let things go?
Are you talking about it with someone because you want them to agree with you, or to help you see from different perspective?
When we are looking for reinforcement of our perspective and perception, we cling tighter our hurts, thus keep repeating behaviors. This becomes a bacteria that spread into others and causes a deeper infection in yourself, making forgiveness more difficult and causes continuous projection of the past into both your present and future. It also poisons others perspectives by creating confirmation bias, thus they will see through only your side, the narrative you tell. Thus, we create animosity, dissention, anger, dislike, fear, hate which separate us through these learned and conditioned bias, perspectives. These thoughts and behavior inhibit self-awareness.
How can you adopt the spirit of the vulture today and begin cleaning up one thought or behaviors that irritates, fester, keeps repeating, making you feel powerless?
What perspective and perception do you need to see from in order to clean up the bones and leave the skeletons behind, moving forward with a new mindset and habits that crack through the barriers that have kept you stuck?
How will you develop another aspect of your self-awareness today and soar to new heights?