Flexibility is Key to Comprehension
Just because WE know what we are saying does not mean that others are:
*Ready to comprehend
*Willing to comprehend
*Able to comprehend
When we communicate, what we say makes perfect sense to us because we understand our intention. We generally assume that every one should comprehended us too. Only we understand all the thoughts that went swirling around in our head in order to spit out what we say to others. Furthermore, we understand the emotions and intention of we articulate out. You are the only one who truly comprehends everything you communicate.
Think with me for a moment. Have you ever encountered people to whom you:
· Tell the Same thing but you get different responses or facial expressions
· Tell one person the same thing multiple times, but they just don’t receive it, act on it, as though it goes in one ear and out the other
· Have you ever noticed that different individuals express and communicate it in different ways
Just as we learn in different ways, we communicate in different ways through our language, both body and words:
Auditory – Touch (Kinetic) - Visual
Our communication with one another is actually a learning experience through the modalities of: visual, auditory, and touch. Not going off into a tangent, but a solid point. Lack of visual, kinesthetic (touch), and auditory means is why texting will always cause miscommunication & problems.
I’m curious, if someone is not comprehending what you're saying, are you being flexible in how you communicate or do you keeprepeating yourself?
Mindful communication starts with our self-awareness to remain open and actively listen to others responses without getting upset, annoyed, assuming someone doesn't care, is stupid, or isn't listening? Instead, when we communicate, our focus should be on their responses because this is the evidence of their comprehension.
To be open & honest is also to be flexible in our communication. It is our responsibility when communicating to adjust our communication style by actively listening to others responses. We will find more equanimity, peace and reduce anxiety in our relationships when we are able to adopt a mindset of humility that says, “I am flexible and open to listening rather than proving a point or being correct.” Flexibility is Key to Comprehension.