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A writer's job is to not succumb to fear of death.

The writer creates a respite from death and provides

courage to face all of life, including death.

The writer creates snippets of heaven through imagination,

creating anticipation of possibilities.


And yet, we are humans. Death comes for us all.

Our acceptance of that does not mean we are courageous

when death knocks on our own door.

Rather, our acceptance of the inevitable

allows us to reach past daily fear,

giving you another world to in which

to live, dream, participate, abandon life's worries

living without fear while you are alive.



Quiet observer and student of life.

As a young girl I began asking the big questions about our existence, purpose and what I was told to accept as truth on blind faith never sat well with me. Spending much of my childhood in solitude with books, I found the Native American connection to a Great Spirit, the earth, nature and animals to agree with what I felt and could see. Their ideals of Gaia's sovereignty, giving thanks to her for provision and recognizing that we are passengers not rulers of her, this resonated with my soul. I could see energies all around us and knew we are missing something, missing the point of why we were here.


As I got older, I turned to science for answers more concrete than religion, but I found ideas of religion and science too competitive. Neither were fully integrating all aspects of life and existence, and neither provided

our meaning. Our existence must serve a purpose; I never subscribed to the idea we are a cosmic joke or here to serve a God and get to heaven.


Along came my introduction to philosophy in college. My professor walked in and wrote on the board, "What is the Meaning of Life?" He informed us he didn't care if we came to class but in the syllabus were deadlines for drafts of our paper addressing the question. Should we choose to come to class, it would be an open discussion time. Never one to join into the discussions in class, I would listen and observe. This paper was my chance to say what I felt, for the first time in my life, without judgement. I relished the opportunity. However, I knew I was just scratching the surface and that paper was a mere preamble to let my thoughts out. For decades, I continued to ponder the question with ever competing thoughts and feelings inside my heart and mind. There must be a way that theory, science and spirituality (not religion) all merge because we are both simple and complex beings, simultaneously. And there is something greater than us, something connects us all. That something connects everything, not just people.


People/humanity, this is another aspect of my lifelong quest in observation and learning.

What makes people tick? What drives thought, behaviors, habits?

How do we change them and how did we come to our thoughts and behaviors in the first place?

Why do we connect with one another on varying levels of intensity?

What are emotions and logic, and can they work together?

What does it mean to follow your heart?


Yes, I am an observer, analyzing, and connecter of dots. There are patterns all around us when we step back and observe. Through observations and thousands of thousands of conversations, it seems we place the majority of our meaning into the hands of others based on our relationships. Within our varying interpersonal relationships, we then define our emotional well-being, we cultivate our thought patterns, beliefs and thus all these things are exhibited as behaviors. And everyone, everywhere, single or not finds themselves searching for the same thing, love. Love, a word that holds so many ideas when you think of it. Yet, I find we have been fed too much poison mislabeled as love leaving us empty and broken. Therefore, I set out on a quest to find the answer of what is love, how do we improve our relationships with one another and ourselves. My quest, as any good quest does, brings both questions and answers.


The culmination of searching for answers to the big universe questions, meaning of life, spirituality and human behaviors (thought, relationships between others and self, and the patterns within all) have given birth to the Ink of My Soul. Here I explore those questions and answers with you. Sharing guidance gleaned sitting with mother earth, asking her to show me the connections we are missing. Setting aside our pre-conceived beliefs, bias, ideals and notions. We'll look with openness and be teachable, so we can learn and grow together not only in knowledge but in wisdom. I'll be sharing with you how I learned about myself through nature and relationships, and together we'll explore both scientific and practical application of how we can overcome and retrain thoughts into mindset and thus effectively change behaviors. We'll explore our meaning, purpose, personal power, and limitless potential and how you have the power to create the life you desire.



The light in me sees the light in you.

Namaste, Belena


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